Tuesday Feb 20, 2024

Mastering Task Breakdown: How to Leverage ChatGPT for Efficient Planning and Goal Setting | Ep. 114

Struggling to manage a mountain of tasks and goals? You're not alone. Whether it's juggling professional deadlines, family commitments, or personal projects, the feeling of being overwhelmed is all too familiar. But what if there was a way to transform that overwhelm into action? Welcome to this empowering episode of Plan Goal Plan where I dive deep into the art of task management and strategic planning with a powerful ally—ChatGPT.

As a working mom, professor, time management coach, and your guide, I've seen firsthand the challenges of balancing a demanding career with a vibrant family life. That's why I'm thrilled to share eight practical, actionable steps to leverage ChatGPT, making your planning process more efficient and your goals more attainable. From breaking down colossal projects into bite-sized tasks to sequencing and prioritizing with precision, this episode is your roadmap to clarity and momentum.

But this isn't just about lists and schedules; it's about embracing technology ethically and thoughtfully to enhance our lives. Whether you're a "neuro-spicy" individual navigating the intricacies of executive functioning, a high-achieving woman yearning for meaningful progress, or anyone in between, these insights are tailored for you.

Join me as we explore how to:

  • Define your tasks with crystal clarity.
  • Request step-by-step breakdowns for any project.
  • Understand and organize prerequisites.
  • Estimate time effectively to stay on track.
  • Identify essential resources and prioritize with purpose.
  • Utilize ChatGPT for creating templates, checklists, and more.

This episode is more than just a guide; it's a celebration of our community—brilliant, beautiful souls dedicated to living intentionally and purposefully. If you're ready to tackle your to-do list with confidence, streamline your planning, and carve out more time for what truly matters, this episode is your invitation to step into your power.

Discover the magic of efficient planning and goal setting. Let's dive in and transform overwhelm into action, together.

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